RONDINELLI ClassicSportsCars
Porsche 911 Carrera RS 2.7, MY73
05/73, Completamente restaurata in allestimento lightweight, 235 cv, 940kg | 05/73, Totally restored as lightweight, 235hp, 940kgs

Venduta | sold.
Porsche 911 Carrera RS 2.7 MY73, l'auto che ho amato di più, rimasta nel nostro garage per oltre 24 anni. Dopo averla totalmente restaurata in allestimento lightweight e di colore Gulf blue (originariamente era una Touring di colore Tangerine), l'abbiamo utilizzata a lungo sia per correre che per strada.
Il motore, di cilindrata 2.7, preparato erogava 235 cv con scarico racing e aspirazione aperta. La vettura era stata alleggerita secondo specifiche lightweight, con componenti originali, arrivando a pesare 940kg.
E' stata venduta ad un collezionista che sta riportando la vettura in configurazione originale.
Porsche 911 Carrera RS 2.7, MY73, probably the car I loved most, because we owned it for more than 24 years. After a complete restorarion as a Lightweight in Gulf blue colour (originally it was a Touring in Tangering colour), we used it both on thack and on the road.
The engine, remained a 2.7, has been totally rebuilt for an output of 235hp, with racing exhaust and open air-intake. The car has been lighened, according to Lightweight version specs, with original component, for a final weight of 940kgs.
The car has been sold to a collector who is restoring the car in the original Touring equipment.